Covid-19 Symbol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Corona Emoji & Emoticon)

It is an online web page that is free to use. It holds many different Covid-19 emojis and Emoticons. You can use these emojis on your social media account to aware people about covid-19. Corona Virus is a Pandemic that can transform from one person to another through breathing, Through touching, that why the government strictly told to keep a Two-meter distance from others, use sanitizer, and wear a mask. You can use these emojis to aware people of this Pandemic. You can easily copy and paste. It is free of cost to use.


Covid-19 Emoji

😷 🤧 🤒 🚑 💊 💉 🤮 🤢 🧼 🤝 🚫 🩺 🦠 🚷 💀☠️

Covid-19 Emoticon

_(´ཀ`」 ∠)_ (´艸`*) (≧m≦) ⋆* ⁑⋆* (๑•﹏•)⋆* ⁑⋆* (●≧艸≦;) (●≧艸≦ ) (˃̩̩̥ཀ˂̩̩̥) ఠ్ఠ﹏ఠ్ఠ ︠ (╥╯⌒╰╥) (゚×゚lll)

Corona Virus Text Art

    *  *
 *        *
*   Wash   *
*   Hands  *
 *        *
    *  *
    x  x
 x  Keep  x
x  Social  x
x Distance x
 x        x
    x  x

    CCC               V      V         
    C                  V     ii        
    C  oorroonnn aa     V   V rru  uss 
    C  o r o n  a a      V V ir u  us  
     CCoor oon  aaa       V  ir  uuss  
      /  /
   /        /
 / Covid-19 /
 / Wear Mask /
   /       /
     /  /
  _   _   _   _   _   _     _   _   _   _   _  
   / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 
  ( C ( o ( r ( o ( n ( a ) ( V ( i ( r ( u ( s )
   \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/   \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ 

    (  (                    (  `              )
    )\))(   '  (    ) (     )\))(     )    ( /(
   ((_)()\ )  ))\( /( )(   ((_)()\ ( /( (  )\())
   _(())\_)()/((_)(_)(()\  (_()((_))(_)))\((_)\
   \ \((_)/ (_))((_)_ ((_) |  \/  ((_)_((_| |(_)
    \ \/\/ // -_/ _` | '_| | |\/| / _` (_-| / /
     \_/\_/ \___\__,_|_|   |_|  |_\__,_/__|_\_\

About Covid-19 Symbol

Covid-19 Symbol

It is an online web page of the tool Calculator that Hold Different emojis, emoticons, and text art. All these can be used to aware people regarding Corona Virus. You can easily Copy And Paste at any Place you want to. Most people using these emojis, emoticons, and text art on Social media account Like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, And Whatsapp. You can also design an Image Like Wear Mask With emoji 😷, Keep Distance, No Hand Shake 🤝 🚫, and a lot many ideas are there. If you are writing an article, you can use these emojis in between to make your content attractive and noticeable. It has a user-friendly interface, So you will not face any problems while using it. It is open source. It means You can use these emojis for personal and professional purposes. You can also Check other tools in the tools and calculators section that are also free of cost.

How to use Covid-19 Symbol?

  1. It is easy to use and copy any emoji, emoticon, and text art.
  2. Firstly, Look at all different emojis and choose any of these to copy on your clipboard.
  3. Click on any emoji, emoticons, and text art it will copy to your clipboard.
  4. After that, You can paste that at any place.
  5. You can copy as many times as you want.

Covid-19 Symbol Meaning