💔 Hate Calculator - Bad Relationships Meter for Gf & Bf 💔

A hate calculator is an online tool that can use for calculation of the hatred relations between a wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, crush, partner, soulmate, and many more. It is a great calculator to check the percentage of hatred between two people.

Hate calculator helps you find out the possibilities of hate between two people. Why only measure love? This calculator is for measuring how much you hate a person.


Hate Calculator

💔 Enter Details About Person 💔



💔 Your Hate Calculation Result 💔

GF Meter Icon  Hate Meter


Hate Percentage

Animal Icon What was Person 1 in the last birth?


Animal Icon What was Person 2 in the last birth?


Personality Icon Personality


Zodiac Icon Zodiac Sign of Person 2

Zodiac Sign


Daily Small Quarrels Icon  Daily Small Quarrels


Zodiac Icon Zodiac Sign of Person 1

Zodiac Sign


Horoscope -

Horoscope Icon Yesterday Horoscope



Lucky Time


Lucky Color


Lucky Number




Date Range




Horoscope Icon Today Horoscope



Lucky Time


Lucky Color


Lucky Number




Date Range




Horoscope Icon Tomorrow Horoscope



Lucky Time


Lucky Color


Lucky Number




Date Range




Horoscope -

Horoscope Icon Yesterday Horoscope



Lucky Time


Lucky Color


Lucky Number




Date Range




Horoscope Icon Today Horoscope



Lucky Time


Lucky Color


Lucky Number




Date Range




Horoscope Icon Tomorrow Horoscope



Lucky Time


Lucky Color


Lucky Number




Date Range




💔 About Hate Calculator 💔

Hate Calculator

This hate calculator is known for calculating the percentage of hate between two people. It is a very simple and easy to use tool that can be used by anyone of any age. This antipathy tool calculates results based on the information you enter and is able to give you better results. In addition to the hate percentage, it will also give you horoscope details of both the individuals. It will show the horoscope according to the date of birth of both the persons.

Hate Calculator is an online tool that calculates the critical relationship among your wife, girlfriend, friend, and your spouse, and many more. We have both love calculators and hate calculators, but here is the official and original love-hate calculator. The love calculator tells you that you are a perfect match at the same hate calculator tell you how much hate you have in your mind. Well, the hate calculator tries to tell how is the love-hate relationship between you two.

Let's look at what the hate calculator says, so enter your name, height, and date of birth of the name of the person with whom you want to check the hate. Now you are ready to know the limits of your hates. Our hate calculator is Ready to calculate the percentage of your hates. Now you have a new style of measuring whether someone hates you or not? The magical calculation for hate percentage is base on you and your partner's name and your date of birth.

💔 How to use Hate Calculator? 💔

If you are stuck on how to use this! don't worry we are here. This Hate Calculator is simple to use and completely free.

Here are the steps to use This Web Application:

  1. Firstly, you need to visit our website ToolCalculator.com.
  2. After this, you need to click on the Hate Calculator option on the website.
  3. After visiting on Lover Calculator, you need to enter Name of Both Persons, and some other details.
  4. Press the 'Calculate' button.
  5. You will find what you want.

How accurate is this Hate Calculator? see the Examples:

Names Hate Percentage
Mariah Carey - Nicki Minaj 62.55%
Julia Roberts - Nicole Kidman 49.79%
Orlando Bloom - Justin Bieber 71.06%
Bruce Willis - Sylvester Stallone 64.68%
Paris Hilton - Kim Kardashian 56.17%
Katy Perry - Taylor Swift 68.94%
Kelly Osbourne - Christina Aguilera 73.19%
Chris Brown - Drake 81.70%

💔 Features 💔

Hate Calculator is designed to predict your marriage compatibility.

Features of our Hate Calculator are:

  1. Advanced web application for calculating hate between you and your partner.
  2. Do you want to know that someone hates you so much?
  3. Check your real hatred and proceed carefully.
  4. Fed with all other applications? A hate calculator is an ideal application for you.
  5. This tool also helps to tell you which animal your partner was in the previous birth.
  6. In this calculator, you can also check your partner's horoscope with which you can give them the right advice about how their day is going to be.

Types of value Calculated

Here are the types of values calculated by Hate Calculator:

  1. Hate Percentage
  2. Height Facts
  3. Date of Birth
  4. Horoscope
  5. What was the person in the last birth?
  6. Dominate in Relationship.
  7. Height Facts.
  8. Horoscope.
  9. Zodiac Sign of a Person.
  10. Daily Small Quarrels.
  11. Personality Predictions

💔 Frequently asked Questions (FAQs) 💔

1. Does hate calculator give a 100% result?

Ans. This calculator is based on an algorithm and it calculates the estimated value according to user data.

2. How can I know about my partner what animal he was in a previous life?

Ans. You can know about the result by filling in your and partner's details like name, height, and date of birth.

3. Can I also calculate the love percentage with this calculator?

Ans. No, you cannot calculate the love percentage on this calculator. You can use our love calculator meter for the love percentage calculation.

4. Can this calculator increase my chances of getting divorced from my partner?

Ans. The information we provide is base on your input value, it is just an estimate, but our experts are working on it to provide you with accurate information.

5. Do you have any special mobile applications available for this calculator?

Ans. We currently do not have any application for this tool, but soon we will launch the application, and we updated about you.