Relationship Calculator - Love Meter to Calculate Relationship

It is an Ultimate Relationship Calculator. It will not only calculate opportunities for you and any other person to make it in the future, but it will also calculate when you are dating, when (or if) you break up, and if so why, you break.

Relationship meter is an online love indicator with which you can estimate the compatibility of love and relationship between two people and the percentage of probability of a successful relationship.


Relationship Calculator - Love Meter to Calculate Relationship

Enter Details About Your Relationship



Your Relationship Calculation Result

GF Meter Icon  Relationship Meter


Animal Icon What was your Partner in the last birth?


Personality Icon Personality


Loyalty Icon Loyality


Marriage Chances Marriage Chances


Height Icon Height Category


Dominate Icon Dominate


Zodiac Icon Zodiac Sign of your Crush

Zodiac Sign


Horoscope Icon Your Partner Yesterday's Horoscope



Lucky Time


Lucky Color


Lucky Number




Date Range




Horoscope Icon Today's Horoscope



Lucky Time


Lucky Color


Lucky Number




Date Range




Horoscope Icon Tomorrow's Horoscope



Lucky Time


Lucky Color


Lucky Number




Date Range




About Relationship Calculator

Relationship Calculator

Do you share a special connection with anyone? Is that special for you? This relationship meter will help you find out? It is a simple calculator that calculates the result in percentage based on your basics, details like name, height, Dob, etc. Enter your name and the name of your partner/lover/crush to whom you expect a healthy and long-lasting relationship.

Humans beings are social animals, and most of us grieve for close relationships with other people. Relationships require a lot of effort and the right communication between two people, but it is still impossible to understand what the other person is thinking. This calculator can help you find out where you stand in a romantic relationship with another person. It can also help you understand the types of relationships and also help you to know the signs of any kind of a good relationship between you and your crush.

Understand how good your match is and know how you can improve it for a beautiful and happy relationship with our simple tips. The compatibility and relationship tips on this calculator are base on numerology and Vedic astrology. A true relationship takes place unconditionally. As humans and living beings, we all have feelings inside us. There are many aspects of emotions. Love encapsulates all these feelings and moves through them in the context of different manifestations at different times.

How to use Relationship Calculator?

If you are stuck on how to use this! don't worry we are here. This Relationship calculator is simple to use and completely free.

Here are the steps to use Relationship Calculator:

  1. Firstly, you need to visit our website
  2. After this, you need to click on the Relationship Calculator option on the website.
  3. After visiting on Relationship Calculator, you need to enter the Name of your Partner and some other details like height.
  4. Press the 'Calculate' button.
  5. You will get the result what you want.


The features of our Relationship calculator are:

  1. You can calculate the relationship percentage between you and your partner.
  2. With these calculators, you can also know about the personality of your crush.
  3. With the help of this tool, you will know about the possibilities of marriage with your GF.
  4. You will also calculate the love percentage of your lover.
  5. It can also check the Zodiac Sign of your partner.
  6. This calculator maintains the relationship balance between two people.
  7. This tool will tell you who will dominate your relationship.

Types of value Calculated

Here are the types of values calculated by Relationship Calculator:

  1. Relationship Meter Percentage
  2. Zodiac Sign of your Crush
  3. Marriage Chances
  4. Loyalty Details of your Partner
  5. Love Percentage
  6. Daily Horoscope of your lover

Frequently asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the benefits of the Relationship calculator?

Ans. This calculator helps to calculate the relationship between you and your partner.

2. How to calculates Zodiac Sign from this calculator?

Ans. To Calculates the Zodiac Sign from this calculator, you need to enter your partner name, DOB(Date of Birth), and other basic details.

3. Does the relationship calculator give correct results?

Ans. This calculator is base on the value you are given. It is not 100% accurate, but it gives you the guess result about your relationship.

4. Relationship calculator can calculate the horoscope detail of my crush?

Ans. Yes, it will calculate the horoscope details of your crush for the three days like yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

5. What is the charge for using this calculator?

Ans. This calculator is free of cost and, you can use it as you want.